Set One
Pack It Up, Pack It In, Let Us Begin
Driving Song ->
Rocky Mountain High
Running On Empty
Let's Get Down To Business
Set Two
On The Road Again
Traveling Light ->
Highway 6 Revisited ->
I Know You Rider
The Long and Winding Road
Running On Empty (reprise) ->
Fast Enough For You
Show highlights:
Set One
Pack It Up, Pack It In, Let Us Begin: Somewhat surprisingly, Carmen (our 92 Subura Legacy wagon) held all of our stuff we were bringing to Utah with quite a bit of space left over. Considering we were planning a week and a half trip from Oklahoma to Utah and back that involved getting married and camping, this was no small feet. There were over a dozen flower vases, several large cardboard signs, various other decorations, a wedding dress and my outfit along with a tent, two sleeping bags, three sleeping pads (Maia has her own), cooking equipment, food and dog packed into the car with us. We had just changed the oil, O2 sensor and rotated the tires. Ready to go, we left Norman by 5 AM on Tuesday, May 13th. The plan was to drive ~750 miles to Fort Collins, CO to stay with our friends the Thompsons.
Rocky Mountain High: Around Limon, you can start to the see the mountains. Shortly thereafter, you can see the madness that is "The Front Range". After paying $6.00 to drive the ten miles skirting around the NE side of Denver (true highway robbery) we braved our way through some heavy traffic and construction on I-25 to get to Fort Collins around 5:00 PM. Our friend's house was easy to find and after a first little apprehensive bark, Josh was Maia's new best friend, can't say the same of their cats though. The four of us went to a stroll around town, they made us dinner and we all had a good time catching up after not all being together for almost a year. We stayed up too late and awoke too early. By 6:30 AM the next day we we're on our way to Laramie, WY. There's not much to say about the drive across southern Wyoming, a little rain, some light flurries and Little America is still an oddity. We did stop at Bear River State Park outside of Evanston, WY and had a good stroll. From there, it's a short drop through Echo Canyon, over Parley's Summit and down into the Salt Lake Valley.
Let's Get Down To Business: We got married.
Euphoria: EUPHORIA!
On The Road Again: While we were packing the car, we hung Gina's wedding dress off of the rack on my groomsman's truck. He has a gigantic greasel with a stout rack over the back. As we hung it there we joked how tragic, but funny it would be if we forgot it and Eric was cruising down I-215, arm out of the window, Ned's ears and tongue flapping in the wind along with the dress. This almost turned out to be a reality, but luckily for us, when he got to corner of our street he noticed the dress hanging there. A few loose ends in SLC to take care of, opening gifts, talking math and packing and we were off again.
Traveling Light: Just you and I ... and Maia, a wedding dress, garbage can, tupperware set, large picture frame, leftover cheese and alcohol ...
Highway 6 Revisited: The route from SLC to Moab is primarily along highway 6. This is great drive featuring narrow cobblestone canyons, alpine grass lands and a tight river canyon opening up to Castle Valley and the Bookcliffs. The road stretches forever echoing the immensity of the desert. After grabbing dinner to go at Moab Brewery and some essentials from the supermarket, we drove another ten miles south of town on Kane Creek Boulevard to the Spring Campground by Hunter Canyon. It was hot and it was beautiful. In the morning we tried out our new stove, lathered on some sunblock and hiked up the Amasa Back trail. I think it was a bit hot for Maia, she kept seeking out the shade, even the smallest little bits behind tiny rocks. We followed the Colorado River out of town and up to I-70. At Hittle Bottom (a site of a previous misadventure of mine involving rowdy Canadians (are there any other kind?), PBR and hitchhiking) we found a boat put-in that is sheltered from the current of the river. We let Maia out to swim in the water. The water was colder than I expected and cooled my legs. Once we tossed Maia into the water, she lost her apprehension and kept diving back in for more. We took our wet dog back to the car and continued following the river to Grand Junction, CO.
I Know You Rider: We arrived in GJ around 1:30 in the afternoon. One of the reasons we stopped here was to check out the wineries in Palisades, CO, just about ten miles up the road from GJ. We found a Motel 6 (they all allow dogs), checked in and vegged in the air conditioned coolness.
The Long and Winding Road: I-25 again, open prairie and miles more to go. We cut across the NE corner of New Mexico, feedlots stuffed like the Walmart megastores where the cattle will be sold. There's a volcanic National Monument out there, we stopped by for a stroll but they didn't allow dogs on the trails so we turned around and kept driving. From the small US highway we turned onto a smaller New Mexico highway. We dropped off of a mesa, took a right onto another small New Mexico highway, crossed a bridge over a dry stream and were in...
Oklahoma: The plan was to hike up to the top of Black Mesa, the highest point in Oklahoma at an elevation of 4973'. The trailhead parking is only about 5 miles off of the little highway we were on, right next to the Cimarron river. It was 2:30 PM central time, but there was some question about what time zone we were actually in, when we set off on the hike (8 miles round trip) into a wind so strong we had to lean into it ("wind sweeps down the plain" ring a bell to anyone?). A little less than 2 hours later we were at the top, marked by an obelisque and no true "summit". Check out the video below of the windy view from the top. That night we camped in Black Mesa State Park, just ten miles or so down the road. There were a few people there, but the place was quiet and we felt good to be back in Oklahoma. The next morning was Friday and we were planning on making it back to Norman. After breakfast in Boise City the road became flat. We drove all across the panhandle past the miles of farmland and cattle. For a leg stretch break we stopped at Boiling Springs State Park outside of Woodward. Here some springs bubble up in the sands by the North Canadian River give the appearance of boiling water. Stepping out of the car, the humidity hit us hard. The springs themselves are kind of a let down, but we enjoyed the trails. Somehow I got us lost and what was supposed to be a half an hour walk turned into a hike of more than an hour. Oops, I told Gina that this wouldn't be the last time I got her lost (rule 5(?): when hiking, don't follow Matt). Back to the car, back to Norman, back to our house, a newly wed couple. Yippie-I-A!
Running On Empty (reprise): Those of you who are frequent readers of this blog (all two of you - and that includes me) know that I was planning on running the Andy Payne Marathon the Saturday after we got married and planning on breaking 3 hours. Well, plans be as plans are and we left the house early the next morning in time for the 6:30 AM start up at Route 66 Park by Lake Overhosler in OKC. It was overcast, but windy and humid. From the gun I went out fast, the first couple of mile markers must be off since I passed mile 2 in under 10 minutes. The marathon is small and already by the time we left the park to run 3 loop around the lake there was a large gap before the person behind and a narrowing gap between me and the person ahead of me. I passed him shortly after mile three and was all alone. I decided not to carry any water, big mistake. The east side of the lake was sheltered from the wind, but that just made it feel way too hot. Someone at an aid station around mile 7 gave me a bottle of gatorade to carry, this helped. I came around the first lap in 1:05:00, somewhere around mile 10. What was I thnking, this was way too fast. I came around the half marathon point in 1:26, already slowing down to 7:00/mile. I put in a few more of these then dropped down to 8:00/mile.
Fast Enough For You: I walked a bit and came around the second lap in 2:02, needing to rip out eight more miles at 7:00/mile to finish in under 3 hours. I just didn't have it in me. I DNF'd still three minutes ahead of the second place runner.
Running moment of the week: Thursday night I needed to hit the trails after two days in the car. I parked at the horseshoe turn in City Creek, ran up puke hill past where I'd be getting married in two days, over past the bobsled to the saddle at City Creek and back. Great run, in the epic battle of Matt versus the mountain bikers, I went 4-3.
5/12 - 5/18
total miles: 47.0
time: 7:27
YTD miles: 1076.8
Running moment of the week: Putting in the first half of the Andy Payne Marathon in 1:26. Cooler temperatures and lower humidity and I think I can break 3:00.
5/19 - 5/25
total miles: 24.0
time: 2:56
YTD miles: 1100.8
Congratulations on getting married. I've been checking in to read the marathon details. At least the next time you go for sub-3 hours, it won't be the day after you get home from your honeymoon. Btw, I know of you because we were in the same age group at Squaw Peak in 04. I saw you at the Shoreline trail marathon the following year. I started running again this year after a couple years of bike racing and wondered at what races around here I'd be getting smoked by you. Fortunately, you moved to another state. :) Take care.
-Sandy from SLC
What a great time you guys had. Thanks for the descriptions and video. I ran Andy Payne also, and while my goals weren't as lofty as yours, I too was humbled by the PAIN. I did finish, but walked most of the last loop. Andy Payne is seldom a marathon to P R in.
Congratulations on your marriage.
I live in SL - where did you get married?
good post beautifull wedding dress congranation
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