It's official, I'm now truly an Oklahoman. Last Tuesday I was entering my run info into my training log (it's online through Runner's World magazine, there's a link on the right to my log) and was wondering whether or not I should check the box labeled "windy". I couldn't remember so I went to NOAA's website to see the weather history. Apparently, there was a 30 MPH southern wind, with gusts close to 40 MPH. Really? I hadn't even noticed.
Here's a few tips I've picked up for running in the Oklahoma winds:
Which brings us to the best advice about running in the wind:
I apologize to all my usual readers (which I was informed by a friend this last week is now up to 3) about not keeping up with my weekly posts. Hopefully you'll give me some slack, I got married, summer school started up, and all the other little things that make up a week. My running should get back into rhythm this week and with a little luck, so should the weekly entries.

Running moment of the week: Thursday afternoon I slipped in an unplanned run around the Sutton Wilderness Area. It was hot, humid and I was pretty slow but it felt cleansing, like a good sweat in a steam room.
5/26 - 6/1
total miles: 51.0
time: 7:02
May miles: 206.0
YTD miles: 1151.7
Running moment of the week: After a real hard demoralizing run yesterday, Maia and I had a easy recovery run up at Lake Stanley-Draper up in OKC. We ran along the dirt road on the east side of the lake. It's closed in spots to vehicles so I let Maia off leash and just let her trot next to me. She'd push me on the downhills and I'd have to be a cheerleader for her on the uphills.
6/2 - 6/8
total miles: 45.1
time: 6:01
YTD miles: 1196.8
I ran Mt Scott on Sat ( x 4 )and the wind was mostly a blessing, although on my last downhill I struggled to keep my feet attached and my keel in the water.
Subscriber #3
Hi Matt,
I started reading your blog when I found the link on Chisholm's site. I was looking through your workouts on your log, and you don't appear to be the type of ultra runner that I thought all ultra runners were. Doesn't look like you shell out 50 miles one day and 35 the next, which I find to be comforting. I have aspirations of doing an ultra of my own one day, but a wife, job and baby on the way sometimes make it feel like I am not running enough. But my weeks really don't look all that different from yours, except that your long runs are about twice the time and distace. Other than that, a 4-5 mile run on any given day of the week is pretty much what I do too. I would hope I would get to meet you sometime, maybe on a run with Chisholm or something... feel free to visit my site: periodicalramblings.blogspot.com.
I guess I am your fourth subscriber
Just stumbled on your site. Sounds like you're keeping pretty busy, and staying on the trails. Although, there's nothing quite like the Wasatch. I was thinking of you this morning as I ran up and down the west face of Grandeur, so I googled you and this is what I found. Congrats on the marraige, tell Gina hi, and keep in touch. Check out www.mrc-ultra.blogspot.com and I guess I'm now #5.
Matt Clay,
Now look who I found. Makes me think back to 3DaysofSyllamo weather instead of the Death Valley plus humidity conditions out there now. Congrats to you and the Mrs on the wedding. See you on the trails, somewhere.
-- Scott Eason
Hi Matt- I found a link to your blog on Charlies. I saw that you plan to run my GreenPeople Trail Run again this year. Don't forget to wear your GreenPeople visor for and extra card for the Poker Game!
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